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Spotlight on 'Language Friendly Schools' with Dr Ellen-Rose Kambel and Dr Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman



Thursday 06 March 2025
Time: 3.40 pm




Join our upcoming webinar shining a spotlight on 'Language Friendly Schools' with Dr Ellen-Rose Kambel and Dr Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman.

Founded in 2019, The Language Friendly School is both a label and a global network of schools that embrace and value all the languages spoken by their students. It serves as a response to the growing prevalence of multilingualism in schools worldwide.

Join us in a conversation about the transformative potential of the Language Friendly School Network. Together, we'll explore the evolving challenges faced by our school communities and discuss why becoming a Language Friendly School is crucial.

Join our spotlight session to discover how accredited Language Friendly Schools create their individual Language Friendly School plans and collaborate by exchanging activities focused on linguistic and cultural inclusivity. We'll delve into the steps needed to achieve this status and the benefits it brings in both the short and long term. We'll share practical strategies to promote linguistic diversity and its profound impact on student engagement, identity, and academic success.

Join the mission and help us foster a more language-inclusive world, one school at a time.

Register now 


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